The hive used for pulling the 9/10 , the old yellow Q, had lost their virgin, so the green - poorly marked - Q from the green folding hive was put in with bees on the folding frame, after spraying with water.
The red queen next door is weakening, only sporadic brood not many bees needs to be replaced , but QNS!.
Left side of the folding hive has a bunch of bees in the food side, maybe they have a Q in there, but no bees on the frame, so took it for wax melting.
Right side took the red QV from the empty kieler with the folding fame from the corner hive with bees, but maybe left the door open?
Green Q from the folding frame, put into the old brussels swarm, is the star of the show, full of bees, full of brood, five frames solid, perfect pattern.
Red swarm Q also going strong, half finished Q cells two frames taken out and swapped for the drone laid frames from the single one time aflegger. closed for 24 hrs. need to check next we they are still quite swarmy.
The yellow queen in a super is laying well, all other supers have bunches of bees, no sign of laying.
Kielers have the same problem, where are the bees? hopefully out foraging but no sign of laying.
Corner hive with new Q is laying well, first four frames are full of brood nice pattern.
Q marked light green.
In the little hives J,G,A,K and B Q's marked with light green, means that four out of five queens from Ghislain are laying!
Drone frames removed from the three hives and put into wax melter.
Sunday; cleaned and waxed three lifts ready for splits for the new queens. Three hives are possible two brown bases and tops in the garage, one yellow base and lift with a brown top in the bee house.
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