Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday 4th May

News this week that American foul brood has been diagnosed in Geraardsbergen, rather close for comfort. This puts a 5km no fly/move/share zone around the outbreak.

This probably means no overlarf project this year.

Inspection before going to Denmark for two weeks to build a wind turbine.

Yellow Q seen, full of bees, 7 frames of brood, lots of honey (15kg) no Q cells.

Red Q daughter of YQ, no Q cells, lots of bees 7 frames of Brood, honey 12 kg.
Folding frame now with brood, removed and put in other side of green hive, RQ came too so put her back in the front door of her hive.

Left side folding green no inspection.

Brussels Swarm Q not seen, no Q cells, 4 frames brood, bees filling 8 frames.

Swarm not in honey lift, RQ seen, brood in 4 frames.

No inspection of aflegger and original hive, chance of Q cells for swarm should be low.

Its the end of sunny fine weather, it rained the whole of the following week.

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